
IV Infusion Treatment Near Bristol, TN

Incontinence Treatment

Does it feel like you have lost control of your bladder? Are you frustrated with a bladder that almost feels unpredictable? Urinary incontinence is a common but frustrating condition. However, with the help of a Fotona incontinence treatment, this condition can be reduced with the help of tightening your weakened muscles. Discover if this treatment could be right for you during a consultation with us at RNA Medical Aesthetics in Johnson City, TN!

Incontinence Treatment — Johnson City, TN — RNA Medical Aesthetics
  • What Is Urinary Incontinence?

    Urinary incontinence is a condition related to a decrease in bladder control. There are different types of incontinence, and it is often part of the natural aging process. Many women experience this as a part of the natural aging process. It particularly impacts women who have experienced menopause or vaginal childbirth.

    Stress urinary incontinence is one of the most common types of incontinence. It is a result of weakened bladder and urethra muscles, and it causes leakage when coughing, sneezing, exercising, or similar activities.

  • What Could I Expect from an Incontinence Treatment?

    At our Tennessee office, our professional staff utilizes the IncontiLase® modality from Fotona as an incontinence treatment. As a gynecological treatment, this device delivers Er:YAG laser energy pulses to the treatment area. It encourages collagen production and remodeling in vaginal tissue areas. As new collagen forms, this tightens tissues.

    One of the most important aspects of this treatment is there is little to no pain associated with the process. There is no downtime associated with Fotona incontinence treatment sessions. Treatment sessions are relatively short, and you should be able to get right back to your everyday activities.

    Results achieved with this treatment for stress urinary incontinence will vary for each person. The best results will take some time to experience as your body produces new collagen fibers. To achieve optimal results, a short series of treatments may be recommended.

  • Could I Benefit from Fotona Incontinence Treatment?

    While there are different types of urinary incontinence, it is important to keep in mind the Fotona incontinence treatment is only an effective treatment for stress urinary incontinence. Most generally healthy adults living with this condition may benefit from this laser therapy treatment.

    A consultation with our professional staff in Johnson City can help you better understand this treatment for stress urinary incontinence. They will discuss your health, your experiences, and your concerns. They will work with you to develop your unique treatment plan to promote better bladder control.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Ready to take back the comfort of your daily life from the frustrating uncertainty of stress urinary incontinence? Contact us today at RNA Medical Aesthetics and schedule your consultation to learn more about our Fotona incontinence treatment! Dr. Illuri Reddy and her professional staff proudly serve you from Johnson City, Tennessee. Take the first step towards reclaiming and refreshing your feminine wellness today.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

BHRT can be used to treat men and women when their hormone levels drop or become unbalanced. It’s most frequently used to ease symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. It may also be used to improve symptoms of cancer treatment or to treat conditions such as:

Bioidentical hormones are manmade hormones derived from plant estrogens that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are among those most commonly replicated and used in treatment. Bioidentical hormones come in various forms, including:

  • pills
  • patches
  • creams
  • gels
  • injections
  • Components of BHRT

    Some bioidentical hormones are made by drug companies. Others, known as compounded bioidentical hormones, are custom made by a pharmacy, according to a doctor’s orders. This process is known as compounding. Compounding typically involves ingredients being combined or altered to meet the needs of an individual.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved some forms of manufactured bioidentical hormones, including bioidentical estriol (a weak form of estrogen) and progesterone. However, the FDA hasn’t approved any custom-compounded bioidentical hormones.

    Most bioidentical hormones are manufactured and sold without controls for safety, quality, or purity. Many medical organizations have taken a stand against the marketing and use of unapproved bioidentical hormones.

    Compounded bioidentical hormones are often touted as being safer and more effective than synthetic hormones. But the FDA and most doctors will caution that those claims haven’t been proven in reputable studies, and that these hormones may even be potentially dangerous in some cases.

  • Traditional vs. Bioidentical

    Bioidentical hormones are different from those used in traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in that they’re identical chemically to those our bodies produce naturally and are made from plant estrogens. The hormones used in traditional HRT are made from the urine of pregnant horses and other synthetic hormones.

    Supporters of bioidentical hormones claim their products are safer because they are “natural” and identical in makeup to the hormones the body produces naturally. But most experts believe the risks of BHRT and HRT are similar. Compounded bioidentical hormones may carry even more risks. There’s no credible evidence that BHRT is more effective than HRT.

  • Benefits of BHRT

    BHRT is typically used as people age and hormone levels drop, particularly for women who are in perimenopause or menopause. It’s used to increase the levels of the hormones that have dropped and improve moderate to severe menopause symptoms, including:

    • hot flashes
    • night sweats
    • mood changes
    • memory loss
    • weight gain
    • sleep issues
    • loss of interest in sex or pain during sex

    In addition to helping with symptoms, hormone replacement therapy may also reduce your risk for diabetes, tooth loss, and cataracts. There’s some evidence that it can help improve skin thickness, hydration, and elasticity, and even reduce wrinkles.

    For those with cancer who have undergone treatments that affect their estrogen levels, BHRT has been shown to be effective in improving their general well-being and quality of life. In one study, people with cancer who underwent BHRT found relief from treatment-related symptoms such as migraines, incontinence, low libido, and insomnia. The study also found their recurrence rate of breast cancer was no higher than average.

  • Side effects and risks of BHRT

    While the FDA has approved some preparations of bioidentical estradiol and progesterone, it hasn’t approved any compounded bioidentical hormones. There are claims that bioidentical hormones are safer and more effective than traditional HRT because they’re identical in structure to those produced in the body. But these claims have not been confirmed by large-scale, reputable studies. The FDA urges caution when using compounded products.

    Research has shown that hormone replacement therapy in general may increase the risk for certain conditions and diseases including:

    • blood clots
    • stroke
    • gallbladder disease
    • heart disease
    • breast cancer

    There may also be side effects that accompany BHRT, particularly in the beginning as your body adjusts to the hormones. Common side effects of BHRT may include:

    • acne
    • bloating
    • weight gain
    • fatigue
    • mood swings
    • increased facial hair in women

    Many people cannot take BHRT or any form of hormone replacement. The risks and potential for side effects may vary among women depending on their health history. Discuss the pros and cons with your doctor before using any hormone replacement therapy.

BHRT — Johnson City, TN — RNA Medical Aesthetics

I.V Infusion Therapy

RNA Medical Aesthetics offers several different types of intravenous therapies depending on patient needs and conditions. These can range from immune system enhancement to detoxification and relaxation.

One of the main benefits of intravenous treatment is that nutrients are infused directly into the bloodstream. Intravenous treatments therefore are exceptionally powerful because they circumvent issues with oral administration, including stomach upset, absorption issues, and loss of potency. In addition, since the nutrients are infused directly into the bloodstream and avoid the gastrointestinal system, very large doses can be administered without gastrointestinal side effects which can limit dosing.

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IV infusion therapy near Bristol, TN
  • Benefits of I.V Therapy

    – Boosts energy

    – Detoxifies the body

    – Enhances the immune system

    – Helps prevent illness

    – Decreases artery plaque

    – Combats chronic fatigue

    – Improves the effects of hangovers

    – Reverses symptoms of malnutrition

    – Assists with age management

    – Helps treat Parkinson’s disease

  • What Nutrients Are Administered?

    IV nutrition consists of a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that work together to produce significant results. The process involves a customized drip of intravenous vitamin therapy treatment designed to suit each patient’s unique needs.

    Some common infusions used include:

    – Amino acids

    – Ascorbic Acid

    – Glutathione

    – B Vitamins

    At RNA, we offer several IV nutrient therapy solutions to choose from, which can be customized to help boost energy, prevent illness, enhance the immune system, reverse chronic fatigue, reverse the effects of malnutrition and much more. RNA also offers pre-formulated kits to make getting started with IV therapy easier.

  • How Is IV Nutritional Therapy Performed?

    Vitamin IV therapy is performed by injecting a mixture of potent vitamins, minerals and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream—providing quick, effective results. Therapy is administered at a medical office under the supervision of a trained medical professional. IV nutrition can also be specially customized to fit the unique needs of each individual patient and should be discussed with a physician prior to receiving treatment.


Can you remember the last time you got a restful good night’s sleep? Does it feel like your snoring is preventing you from sleeping well and ultimately negatively impacting your daily life? NightLase may be for you! This unique laser treatment tightens tissues to manage and reduce snoring and sleep apnea. To learn more about this treatment, schedule your consultation with us at RNA Medical Aesthetics in Johnson City, TN!

  • What Is NightLase?

    NightLase® is an effective treatment to reduce snoring or sleep apnea. This non-surgical, non-invasive treatment utilizes Fotona’s patented Er:YAG technology. By utilizing this laser, this treatment offers a gentler approach to tightening tissues to reduce snoring. As collagen is produced, this promotes more restful sleep as it reduces snoring.

  • What Does a Treatment Session Entail?

    NightLase treatments are performed on an outpatient basis in the comfort of our Johnson City office. During these non-surgical treatments, the Fotona Er:YAG modality delivers laser pulses to the tissues. As the gentle heat of the laser pulses interacts with tissues, they encourage collagen contraction and production for tighter tissues.

    This unique laser may be safely used on even the most sensitive tissues of the mouth. These treatment sessions are relatively short, and they are gentle in nature. There is no downtime associated with these treatments, and you should be able to resume your normal daily activities.

    Results achieved with NightLase will vary for each person. However, most people see a gradual improvement in reducing snoring or sleep apnea. It is important to give your body plenty of time to respond to the collagen production stimulation. For the best results, a short series of treatments is often recommended. Results may last up to a year.

  • Could I Benefit from this Treatment?

    NightLase may be an effective treatment for most people who are frustrated with the effects of snoring or sleep apnea. This treatment is suitable for most generally healthy adults, and it may be particularly appealing for those who are seeking non-surgical, non-invasive treatment methods. This method may also be beneficial for those seeking a way to manage or reduce snoring without the need to wear an appliance.

    A consultation with our professional staff in Johnson City can help determine if this snoring treatment is right for you. They will help you understand the treatment process and determine if it is right for you based on your health and experiences.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Is it time for you to take a proactive approach to ensuring you get a good night’s sleep? Contact us today at RNA Medical Aesthetics and schedule your consultation to learn more about NightLase! Dr. Illuri Reddy and her professional staff proudly serve you from Johnson City, Tennessee. Discover your options for more comfortable and consistent sleep!


Onychomycosis, also known as nail fungus, is a very common infection. Some people have this infection and don’t know it, due to the fact that the most common symptom is brittle and dry nails. It can be difficult to determine whether the state of your nails is caused by an infection or something else. Common treatments include creams and medicated nail polish, but these can take months to clear up onychomycosis. The better option for safe and efficient treatment is with the Fotona laser.

Here at RNA Medical Aesthetics, we use the Fotona laser system to treat many different skin conditions, including onychomycosis. Nail fungus can be a bothersome issue to deal with, one that can cause serious aesthetic concerns if it appears on the hands. Consider visiting us at our practice in Johnson City, TN to learn more about how you could benefit from a laser treatment. Contact us today to schedule your consultation! 

Onychomycosis — Johnson City, TN — RNA Medical Aesthetics
  • How Does Onychomycosis Form?

    Most of the time, onychomycosis forms due to the nails being exposed to moist areas that contain the right type of bacteria. This includes places like a shower at the gym or a communal swimming pool. There is a misconception that nail fungus is due to poor hygiene, this is not necessarily true. 

    Nail fungus is more common in individuals who are above the age of 60, and it is more often seen in the toenails than in the fingernails, although both can be affected. Before seeking treatment, it is important to obtain a proper diagnosis. Onychomycosis can be easily mistaken for other types of conditions, and these other conditions may not respond to the same type of treatment.

  • How Does the Fotona Laser Work?

    Using the Fotona ClearSteps™ system, the parasitic fungi can be quickly destroyed. This will help restore the nail to its natural state, clearing up any brittleness or discoloration. During the treatment, the laser will evenly heat the nail and the underlying skin tissue, which will ensure that all of the nail fungus has been affected. 

    In order to see the best results, we recommend you come in for repeat treatments to make sure all of the fungus has been destroyed. To completely clear up onychomycosis, come in four times once a week and have each nail treated at every session.

Contact Us

To find out whether you are a good candidate for onychomycosis with Fotona, we encourage you to visit RNA Medical Aesthetics in Johnson City, TN. Discover why Fotona is the best choice when it comes to treating nail fungus. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Vaginal Tightening

Are you concerned with or bothered by discomfort in your most intimate area? It is very common for women to experience loss of vaginal structure. This vaginal laxity could be due to vaginal childbirth or the natural aging process. Whatever the reason, it can cause the individual to become uncomfortable or embarrassed. Intercourse may no longer be as enjoyable. With IntimaLase® from Fotona 4d, you can experience minimally invasive vaginal tightening.

To learn more about the benefits of this vaginal tightening treatment, consider us here at RNA Medical Aesthetics. Visit our practice in Johnson City to get started, or contact us today to schedule your consultation! 

Vaginal Tightening — Johnson City, TN — RNA Medical Aesthetics
  • How Does IntimaLase® Work?

    Basically, heat causes collagen production to be stimulated. Collagen is the protein that gives structure to your skin. If the collagen has been broken down, your skin will become loose and wrinkly. When heat comes in contact with the skin tissue and collagen production increases, this will tighten the area. This is a non-ablative vaginal tightening treatment, which means it is safer and faster than other available options. 

  • What are the Benefits of vaginal tightening?

    Vaginal tightening is the main benefit, but that includes:

    • Increased sexual enjoyment
    • Improved orgasms
    • Decrease of urinary incontinence
    • Improve vaginal dryness

    Many women love that this vaginal tightening treatment is non-surgical and only minimally invasive. There is little to no downtime associated with IntimaLase®, meaning most patients can leave our practice and immediately return to their normal daily routine. Most patients only need one treatment in order to see great results. Your personalized treatment plan can be discussed when you visit us for your consultation.

  • Who is a Good Candidate?

    Candidates for IntimaLase® vaginal tightening include women who suffer from what is known as vaginal relaxation syndrome. We recommend that you wait at least nine months after giving birth to undergo this treatment. We want to make sure all tears are fully healed before stimulating collagen production.

    If you feel that your quality of life has suffered due to vaginal laxity, this treatment may be right for you. No woman should suffer in silence when it comes to her own comfort, which is why we would be more than happy to discuss this treatment with you at our practice in Johnson City, TN.

Learn More

To learn more about IntimaLase® vaginal tightening, feel free to get in touch with the educated staff at RNA Medical Aesthetics. We employ the Fotona laser for a variety of different concerns. Let us show you just how powerful IntimaLase® is! Contact us today to get started by scheduling your consultation!

Weight Loss

Advancements in weight loss are hard to recognize with all the hyped products and fad diets. In fact, it is very easy for a celebrity endorsed weight loss fad to overshadow an actual, fact-based, real world medical weight loss aid. But occasionally, we find something that is backed by research, the FDA or is a method that has worked for tens of thousands of our own patients. Semaglutide, also known as Ozempic, is the latest arrival in a successful weight loss aid, which does not require any special diet or sacrifice to see results.

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide receptor antogonist which basically improves glycemic control in the pancreas. Semaglutide will delay gastric emptying by reducing glucogon secretion which reduces appetite, lowers sugar cravings and improves overall ability to control eating habits.

Onychomycosis — Johnson City, TN — RNA Medical Aesthetics

Benefits of taking Semaglutide once a week...

  1. Improved sleep
  2. Weight loss
  3. Reduced appetite
  4. Improved fertility
  5. Reduction in PCOS symptoms
  6. Increases sugar metabolism

The New England Journal of Medicine conducted a study of over 1900 adults to identify if Semaglutide would actually help in weight loss, and by how much. The participants lost an average of 14.9% in body weight, without a special diet, without an exercise routine, and without additional medication. These results show that without much effort, taking Semaglutide one time per week can have favorable results for just about anyone. Additional benefits of taking Semaglutide weekly was also shown to improve cardiometabolic health, which includes a reduction in insulin resistance and a reduction in metabolic disorder and less risk for cardiovascular disease.

Semaglutide is FDA approved for Type 2 diabetes for weight management and is being used to help the disease’s growth and progression. Although Semaglutide is not a “lose a pound a day” weight loss miracle as we see daily on advertisements, it is a safe and proven method to losing weight and improving our metabolic health.

The medical staff at Vitality have found that Semaglutide to be just as effective as most other weight loss medications, if not more. We highly recommend Semaglutide to our patients that want to lose weight, and improve their heart health. The best part is that our Semaglutide is 30-50% less than purchasing at a Retail Pharmacy. Join 100,000+ men & women who have found Vitality to be a reliable weight loss partner, helping each one to look and feel better. 

Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease

Priapus Shot®

Approximately one in 10 adult males suffer Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the etiology is multifactorial. Majority of the times it is likely due to an underlying problem other than a simple side effect of a medication, drinking too much alcohol, stress, tiredness or relationship issues. ED can be due to:

· Medications that have side effect of ED include antihypertensive, antidepressants, Chemo drugs, prostrate cancer drugs etc. Also, alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines nicotine can also contribute to ED.

  • · Vasculogenic where the blood flow is reduced due to plaque build-up in the arteries.
  • · Neurogenic where the nerves are damaged due to diabetes, stroke or other neurological disorders.
  • · Trauma where an injury can lead to ED
  • · Psychogenic where severe stress, anxiety and depression can lead to ED
  • · Hormonal imbalance
  • · Chronic illnesses
  • · Peyronie’s disease (abnormal Curvature)
  • · Surgeries for prostate, bladder and colon cancer can also cause ED

Here at RNA medical Aesthetics, ED is diagnosed using a questionnaire, complete blood work including Hormone levels,

Treatment for ED also is multifactorial and can include:

  • · Oral medications
  • · Surgery
  • · Injections
  • · Pumps

At RNA Medical Aesthetics we specialize in treatment options that are widely researched and proven to work and safe. We offer Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Treatment (BHRT) and Priapus Shot (P-Shot®) and BoCox® injection.

  • · Priapus Shot  (P-Shot® ) helps increase the blood flow just like the medications like Viagra (Sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil) etc. However, Priapus Shot (P-Shot®) uses your blood that we withdraw prior to the procedure, centrifuge, collect the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) (which has been already used extensively in our clinic for skin rejuvenation and hair growth), and then inject using a tiny needle, leading to angiogenesis (growth of blood vessels and collagen build-up.
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